Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Library 2.0 and Beyound

The library that I grew up with was the era with index card nightmares, number systems of infinite illogical listings and of course that one particular stern condescending librarian was my web 2.0. Computer technology was barely in it's infancy, something that the government, NASA, or wealthy private research firms only had access too. I can recall when every student was taken to the library and taught how to access information in what would be considered today as highly archaic. The monopoly that libraries had on the general society are a thing of the past, we can now access information at a click of the mouse from anywhere in the world, at any time not just 8-5 Mon thru Sat. The next generation of children are on the web all most from birth and they will become the paperless generation, so in turn libraries will have to grow through innovation with computer technology to keep pace with its affect upon an ever growing technologically advanced society. Their was a time of protest, a major uproar of allowing a single computer into a library that was considered sacrilegious within many circles of academia, oh how we as a society have changed, now computer technology is the engine that enhances and drives academia to heights it could never imagined only fifty years ago. Bring on the new Library 4.0 the future is here now and tomorrow.

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