Hi to all and on to a new day in the mind boggling world of technology. I feel like Alice In Wonderland falling down the rabbit hole at times, but hopefully some if not most of the exposure to all these new types of technology will have a permanent place in my daily walk of life.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Digital Portfolio
Hi everyone, I realize that I'm technologically challenged after attempting to publish my digital portfolio. I have neither seen, nor could find the publish button to publish each page so I hope that by writing about my experience here it will suffice. At Google sites my portfolio is titled TK Digital Portfolio at Coachtk78@gmail.com. take a peek and let me know what you think.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Plaxo/Linkedin vs Facebook/MySpace
Basically these sites all provide similar services, but simply said I think it's the professional business type vs the average everyday person. I know, I know that sounds like to simplistic point of view, but as I have explored these sites that theme seems to be apparent to me. I view many aspects of business-minded applications in Plaxo/Linkedin and non business related applications on a more general community-minded applications at Facebook/MySpace.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
TYhe B Three and Me?
Well I'm very impressed with Plaxio, Linkedin, and Google sites, although I realize it will take much more time then just class time to exact all the avenues that are offered by these sites. These are modern day rolladexes and answering machines, but have capabilities that where unthinkable only 10 to 15 years ago. I can envision having a class being able to schedule events and correspond from where ever and whenever they choose or are notified of up coming events. This is definitely an avenue that I will pursue.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Library Thing
This is exciting to be able to build a virtual library that you can interact with other people. This is a great tool for students to be able to network on academic subjects while at the same time develop an appreciation for like-minded fellow students and teachers. The current events in your local areas and the locations of book stores and resources are great time savers and are invaluable for research.
This is exciting to be able to build a virtual library that you can interact with other people. This is a great tool for students to be able to network on academic subjects while at the same time develop an appreciation for like-minded fellow students and teachers. The current events in your local areas and the locations of book stores and resources are great time savers and are invaluable for research.
Monday, June 7, 2010
General Blog Generator

Wow this is an exciting avenue of new technology that can be used in many ways. The way we make announcements in school, work, or at home for any number of situations can be done on-line. Instead of wasting paper we could use this source as an ASAP notifier which provides a much faster response. I like creating different resources to help communicate and these type of sited let the creative juices flow.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
You Tube Videos Ya or Na?
I thought these videos would grab your attention. I think that you-tube whether we like it or not is here to stay as it has become the average Joe's fifteen minutes of fame venue, as part of our social networking on the web worldwide. Unfortunately the exact same type and sense of freedom when it comes to students could present a myriad of problems when it comes to form and content. One wrong click or directive and the next thing you know your facing a school board with a very upset parent that wants you fired! The other side of the coin has a teaching tool that can be used to enhance a lesson plan with real world events and experiences that can be accessed on a daily basis.
Library 2.0 and Beyound
The library that I grew up with was the era with index card nightmares, number systems of infinite illogical listings and of course that one particular stern condescending librarian was my web 2.0. Computer technology was barely in it's infancy, something that the government, NASA, or wealthy private research firms only had access too. I can recall when every student was taken to the library and taught how to access information in what would be considered today as highly archaic. The monopoly that libraries had on the general society are a thing of the past, we can now access information at a click of the mouse from anywhere in the world, at any time not just 8-5 Mon thru Sat. The next generation of children are on the web all most from birth and they will become the paperless generation, so in turn libraries will have to grow through innovation with computer technology to keep pace with its affect upon an ever growing technologically advanced society. Their was a time of protest, a major uproar of allowing a single computer into a library that was considered sacrilegious within many circles of academia, oh how we as a society have changed, now computer technology is the engine that enhances and drives academia to heights it could never imagined only fifty years ago. Bring on the new Library 4.0 the future is here now and tomorrow.
Ok here we go again another site that can be expanded in so many ways it's highly unlikely you could pull yourself away in under ten minutes. I liked the idea that you are able to view so much information that's not so readily accessible in the so-called main stream information sites on the web. I was able to see videos that I could share with my students that perhaps wouldn't be seen without some in depth research. This is one more way to access the web 2.0 and use it to help shorten your research time and enlighten your professional and private interests.
Is Del.icio.us Tasty or Not?
I can see where this site can be a great asset for research, in that you can access this site from anywhere and would then be able to view how many people are researching similar subject matter. This could lend itself as one more tool in a teacher's tool box. The students could view how many people are accessing sites of interest and have an instant count of the number of people at each site helping them learn which are the highly sought after sites and which sites would be of less value and not wasting their time to complete their research. I understand how this is a another way that the web 2.0 community can interrelate on a myriad of subject manner, but I'm old school leery of how much to share and when enough is enough.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Technology Today and Tommorrow
The class I,m taking KIN 710 at Fresno Pacific is exposing me to a whole new avenue of communicating in a web based society. The technologies of today are a far cry from the beeper era from just over a decade ago. The way we do things with the web today is very beneficial by saving time and money, by exchanging data instantly it's reducing the need for so much paper and ink. WE save what we want and delete without ever having to waste resources that cost time and money. The infusion of ways to communicate with students and fellow teachers helps us to manage our time and offer a better resource for educating our students, again saving time is saving money. With today's budget cutting issues that weigh heavy for all of us in education time is money. In the future I can in-vision a time when we may well be able to educate our students without any paper resources, or time constraints and have a virtual classroom that could be managed from anywhere, and anyway we choose that would meet our budget issues, and fit the needs of our students.
RSS Feeds and Google Doc's
Wow this is really exciting learning how to access quickly and manage the net at a much better venue. Now I know what those little orange labels mean and how to use them. This opens up a whole new way for me to communicate and store my doc's. I know that at times we have all had a computer crash on us when we haven;t had a chance to back-up, but with doc's I have another resource to keep my work save and accessible, The RSS Feeds link into my Google reader giving me instant mobility within the net, great avenue for me when I don,t have a lot of time finding what I need quickly in one spot this is cool.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Web 2.0 in Physical Education
OK OK folks I realize that I'm from a generation that thought 8-track tapes and hand held calculators where the wave of the future, oh how quickly things change. I'm realizing that this technology is the future of our chosen professions. No longer will we have to look at hrs. of tape and wait for film delivery when coaching a sport or developing a recreational activity, now click and we can send information whenever, where-ever, how ever we choose that best fits our needs to accomplish our everyday lesson plans and goals for our students. Someone once gave me a bit of advice over thirty yrs ago when it comes to technology they said, "Don't get comfortable with any one system, be flex-able, open to new ideas, because my friend everything changes every six months and you have to adapt and change with it or you'll get lost in the scuffle." Well I've been on the fringe of lost, but I'm determined to get back up to speed and enjoy this new found avenue of technology, and how it can benefit me in becoming a larger part of my daily life!
WEB 2.0
Wow i couldn't look at every site on Web 2.0 Seomaz's site it would take me weeks. I did like at the health site Revolution Health and they where extremely helpful. I had two knee surgeries on my rt. knee in one year and 1 yr. later I'm still having pain and flexibility issues. Within minutes I was able to procure an entire workout that I had never seen before and appears to be one that could be very beneficial to my recovery. This Web 2.0 type technology has opened new avenues of discovery and assistance that would cost me dearly, but with the correct click and a bit of patience I'm able to access places I didn't even knew existed. I have dabbled with Face-book and AOL, but now I feel like I'm learning to walk and talk all over again, but from a techno world of click drag and paste.
Panic Attack!!
Wowea-bob! I,m awash in techno speak and treading water, but have started to doggy paddle, so theirs hope for me yet. I had some type of issue that forced me to rewrite my whole paper within last 1.5 hr of submission deadline, only to find out that my submission was accepted. Strange though as I didn't show up on the discussion threads, which ignited my PANIC, but not to worry I successfully submitted and will solve this issue post-haste. My trusty canine companion assures me that I'm ok even if the world around me is in a tale-spin, as long as he gets his walk the world is fine.
Late Nights
Who ever said you can't go back again is misinformed. I' well past thirty something and here I sit early AM researching and writing a paper for my Masters program, ah yes just like the good old days. Oh wait that's when having a couple hrs sleep wasn't a problem, but now it's like being in a fog until that third cup of coffee kicks in then your eyes just start to focus. Oh well nothing if was easy everyone could do it, so stock up on the coffee and find a comfortable chair it's going to be some long nights ahead.
Friday, May 21, 2010
"Forward HOOO"
Well managing to absorb new knowledge and steaming ahead into the vast unknown of academia excellence. It's like jump starting a part of your brain that's been semi-dormant and realizing that theirs all this room for new and exciting data to be assimilated and deciphered. Yikes I thought those days of studying and writing papers at three in the morning where over, OH NO I WAS SO WRONG!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Podcasts and pulpits
I can see that pod-casts may be a personal pulpit for people to freely lament about their thoughts in a forum that could reach untold numbers of people. The advent of this technology is similar to when the Ham radio operators burst on the scene they to where pioneers in a new freedom of technology of personal expression.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Blogging and Social Interaction
In three of the articles for Kin 710 i.e.Examining Social Software, Web Library and Tenn Service, and Social networking I stated in our forum that these three articles all alluded to the affect Web 2.0 technology has on our social landscape in a web bases arena. It goes without saying that lesson plans , notices, assignments,etc. can all be mitigated at a touch of a button and accessed by all the students we will be educating, but what of the human element. A physical education instructor still has to have that tactile physical contact with their students, a social interaction that is part and parcel of our profession. With the ever growing web technology's their are definitely many benefits that we can draw from, but in the end we will still be unique in that we will always have some type of physical social interaction that many academic based Internet type classes will only simulate , but never quite achieve. I commented on Jenna, Craig, and Patrick's forum posts about how I thought each had separate and unique points of interest, but that in the end no matter how much web technology we apply to education we will still have to address the human interaction that is special too physical education instructors.
The Big Kahuna
That 's me in white sitting on my board getting ready to paddle over a wave and trying not to get smacked in Samoa with my Son cutting back and throwing some spray in the old mans direction!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Son Surfing Samoa
This is my Son carving a wave in Samoa as I tried to stay out of his way and enjoyed watching him.
Kin 710 Assignment
Well here it is my first pictures from my new Flichr account, whew I have so many new accounts and sites and sign in's, passwords, etc. I have to keep a list just to keep track of them all. I realize now that it's going to take more then a week to feel comfortable and catch up to all you techno savvy folks that have grown up with this stuff as man my head is swimming.
Lindsays Grad. UCLA 00033
This is the family on my daughters graduation day from UCLA. Dad in the middle had flown in from Pennsylvania.
Lindsays Grad. UCLA 00044
Lt to rt Wife, Daughter, Father, God Mother, Son & me at Daughters UCLA graduation
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Beach, Movies, and Car Shows
Hi all, What a day started by taking a two hr. walk on the beach with my honey bunny Wife and our effervescent Jack Russel terrier. Then on to the Movies with my Son to see Iron Man II, but then as an added bonus my son and I perused the annual downtown Car show here in Santa Barbara. Wow what memories and regrets for selling some of those memories on wheels that are now worth a fortune. Of course my Son has an eye for style and form too, so we really enjoyed all the different shapes, colors, and styles of the myriad of automobiles. My son remarked of why cars seemed so much more art deco and stylish from the sixties back to the thirty's, and how he really appreciated the form of the older cars. I had one answer, Son prior to the late 1960s when it said American Made it was American Made from R&D through production it was an American mind and hand that produced those cars. He looked at me and said, Hum great point to bad we couldn't have kept it that way. I agreed and we enjoyed seeing old friends and meeting new friends among all those great automobiles.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
I've just finished my assignments a day early for both my classes at Fresno Pacific and look forward to an ice cold beer tonight. I had an awesome day of early (6am) basketball being part of a team that won six games in a row, my shoots where dropping and assists, defense, was really good. That's not bad for a guy playing with one substandard wheel (knee) at 56. I know, I know, it's only pick-up basketball, but it sure is nice beating guys half my age even for one brief morning.
I've just finished my assignments a day early for both my classes at Fresno Pacific and look forward to an ice cold beer tonight. I had an awesome day of early (6am) basketball being part of a team that won six games in a row, my shoots where dropping and assists, defense, was really good. That's not bad for a guy playing with one substandard wheel (knee) at 56. I know, I know, it's only pick-up basketball, but it sure is nice beating guys half my age even for one brief morning.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Wow I'm not in Kansas anymore ToT
Hi all, what a jump in academia levels, this Masters degree is going to be challenging and intriguing at the same time, but with my trusted study partner "Bear" (Jack Russel pet dog), a good cup of coffee, and patience from my family/friends all will work out in the end. Man I now know why I don't have any pictures on file of myself except for my graduation at Indiana, because I'm always the one behind the camera. Note to all hand the camera to someone else or use automatic shutter, cause now I have to take some pictures of myself and we all know how Freudian that can be.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
A Brave New World
It's a brave new world that I have embarked on, as I am learning to swim in a world of techno speak with the start of a Masters program at Fresno Pacific University. This is a new start of another avenue in my life that will spawn a career in education that I have longed to per sue for many years.
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